
Industry News and Articles

To clean or not to clean: that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler to scrape ye olde crud off the inside of your bong regularly or to allow a sea of troubles to foment inside your glass pipes… Did Shakespeare spend time ruminating over the issue of bong cleaning? Probably not, but if he were alive today, he’d probably have something to say about it. The fact is, everyone enjoys the fruits of their bong,…

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When it comes to glass pipes (bongs that is, not glass hand pipes) it’s important to be familiar with the different kinds, lest you end up with something that you didn’t want. Glass bongs come in an astonishing variety of styles, but for the most part, each one of those styles fits into one of two categories: they’re either heady glass or scientific glass. In this guide, the team at the…

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The dab rig is a fairly new invention. Certainly your parents or grandparents never used a dab rig (sorry, hot knives don’t count). The origins of the dab rig as we know it today can be traced to the late 1990s when bong makers started experimenting with attachments specifically designed for cannabis oils. Today, a lot of folks who stop by our smoke shop in Parker want to know if it’s possible to transform their bong into a dab rig. The answer is that it’s not only possible, it’s easier than you probably think.

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We hear about it all the time in our head shop. Regular cannabis users developing an increase in tolerance and having to consume ever larger amounts of weed in order to achieve the same psychotropic effects.
By taking time off from cannabis the accumulated THC in the person’s body is able to dissipate and the body’s cannabinoid system returns to a more sensitive state. It is not unusual for people to experience the effects of cannabis far more strongly in the wake of a tolerance break.

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In recent years the push to legalize the recreational use of marijuana has picked up considerable steam. There are now 23 states that have decriminalized recreational use of marijuana and medical use of marijuana is now allowed in 40 states. But the fact that the federal government still classifies weed as a Schedule 1 substance right alongside heroin and that recreational use is still illegal in 27 states means there’s a lot of work to do before the fight is won. In this post, the team at the Smoking Buddha smoke shop in Parker take a look at states likely to legalize cannabis in 2023 or 2024.

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Most stoners have both a glass pipe and a bong in their cupboard and if you asked them which is their favorite they’d probably have a hard time deciding. For people new to smoking weed that type of indecision is not a lot of help. They may not want to purchase both and are looking for a way to determine if glass pipes or bongs are quantifiably better. So, to help those folks decide, the team here at the Smoking Buddha vape shop have put together this brief guide on the relative pros and cons of both devices.

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