To clean or not to clean: that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler to scrape ye olde crud off the inside of your bong regularly or to allow a sea of troubles to foment inside your glass pipes… Did Shakespeare spend time ruminating over the issue of bong cleaning? Probably not, but if he were alive today, he’d probably have something to say about it. The fact is, everyone enjoys the fruits of their bong, but not everyone is meticulous when it comes to its cleanliness. This raises the question of how often you should clean your bong. In this brief guide, the team at the Smoking Buddha headshop will answer that question and provide some helpful tips on keeping your bong in tip-top condition.

How Often Should You Clean Your Bong?

Let’s look into this with a clear, concise answer, shall we? It would be best if you cleaned your bong after every use – but realistically, most bong smokers won’t. And even those who don’t spend much time thinking about the creepy bio-stew brewing in their bong’s water chamber after several weeks of regular use. But they should. If the water in your bong has developed a greasy film or mold has attached itself to the inside of the glass, you’re asking for trouble. If you use your bong when it’s in such a gruesome state, you become susceptible to various health problems.

Health Risks of Dirty Bong Use

Using a dirty bong can cause or worsen any of the following health problems.

Throat Irritation

A dirty bong can cause throat irritation due to mold and bacteria. When you inhale smoke through a contaminated bong, these irritants can inflame your throat, causing pain and discomfort. This can make smoking an unpleasant experience and potentially lead to more severe throat conditions if left untreated.

Allergic Reactions

Mold spores and other allergens in a dirty bong can trigger allergic reactions. Symptoms include sneezing, itching, watery eyes, rashes, and even more severe reactions such as difficulty breathing and swelling. Individuals with mold allergies are particularly susceptible to these reactions, making it crucial to maintain a clean bong.

Respiratory Infections

Using a dirty bong can lead to respiratory infections. The stagnant water and resin buildup create an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi to thrive. Inhaling these pathogens can cause infections in your lungs and airways, leading to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Over time, these infections can become chronic and severely impact your respiratory health.


Using a dirty bong can also lead to conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye. The pathogens in the dirty water and biofilm can easily come into contact with your eyes, causing infection and inflammation. Symptoms include redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes.

Severe Infections

Biofilm is a greasy film composed mostly of fungi – i.e., mold – that can appear on the surface of bong water if the bong isn’t cleaned often enough. The water chamber will make a safe and hospitable place for planting and propagating roots. The warm, moist environment inside the water chamber is perfect for growing fungi, even if you use the bong every day. Once it settles in, the mold begins releasing spores, and should you breathe them in, well, woe unto you. Dirty bong water can become a breeding ground for severe infections such as cholera or diphtheria. Inhaling mold spores can also lead to a potentially fatal condition called “histoplasmosis,” – which starts in the lungs and can expand to the heart and other vital organs. It’s essential to regularly clean your bongs to protect yourself against all levels of associated health risks.

Signs That It’s Time to Clean Your Bong

As we said, you should clean your bong after every use. In the real world, that’s not always possible. But that’s no excuse to put off cleaning indefinitely. If you notice any of the following signs, make sure you clean your bong thoroughly before you use it again.
“The color of your bong water is your best indicator of when to give it a deep clean. Even if it’s clean, water in a dirty bong will appear brownish-green due to the stuck-on resin on the glass. If it’s dark, becoming almost black, then it’s way past time for you to clean out your bong.” —Lindsey Bartlett, The Cannabist
  • A foul odor emanating from your bong: When you buy a bong from our Parker Smoke Shop, you’re buying glass, plastic, and maybe a few small pieces of metal. There is nothing that should be giving off a foul smell.
  • Ye olde biofilm or mold: We hate harping on the biofilm, but it’s important. You should never use glass pipes if there is a greasy film on the water’s surface in the tank. Never. The same applies if you see black or green mold inside the tank.
  • Resin buildup: The water tank isn’t the only thing that can get skanky. If you last cleaned them a while ago, the bowl and stem can become encrusted with resin, forcing you to pull harder to get good hits.
  • Dark bong water: Your bong water should always be clean and clear. If it’s brown and hazy, it’s loaded with impurities filtered from the smoke, and it’s now playing host to all types of microbes.

How to Clean Your Bong

Okay, so you’ve decided to take the plunge and clean that bong of yours finally. Congratulations! First, gather the following materials.

Materials Needed

  1. Isopropyl alcohol (91% or higher)
  2. Coarse salt (like kosher salt)
  3. Hot water
  4. Rubber stoppers or bong plugs (optional)
  5. Cleaning brushes or pipe cleaners
  6. Paper towels or a clean cloth

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

Follow the steps in the visual guide below to effectively clean your bong.

Download a PDF of the Infographic Above:

Additional Bong Cleaning Tips

  • Use a Ziplock Bag: For smaller parts like the bowl and stem, you can place them in a Ziplock bag with isopropyl alcohol and salt. Shake the bag to ensure thorough cleaning.
  • Pipe Cleaners: Invest in some good-quality pipe cleaners to scrub hard-to-reach areas, especially in the stem and bowl.
  • Brushes: Bottle brushes or specialized bong cleaning brushes can effectively clean the main chamber and other parts of the bong.
  • Frequent Water Changes: Change the water in your bong daily, even if you don’t clean the whole bong. This reduces the buildup of resin and biofilm.
  • Deep Cleaning Schedule: Even if you can’t clean your bong after every use, make it a habit to clean it deep at least once a week.


Like anything else we use as a vehicle to consume things, your bong needs to be kept clean for the sake of your health. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of harmful biofilm, mold, and resin that can lead to various health problems. So, take the above tips to heart. Clean your bong regularly to ensure that every session is healthy and enjoyable. And for all your cannabis-related needs, stop by our smoke shop in Parker and check out our amazing selection. A clean bong not only provides a better smoking experience but also ensures that you’re not inhaling harmful pathogens along with your smoke. Happy smoking!

When it comes to glass pipes (bongs that is, not glass hand pipes) it’s important to be familiar with the different kinds, lest you end up with something that you didn’t want. Glass bongs come in an astonishing variety of styles, but for the most part, each one of those styles fits into one of two categories: they’re either heady glass or scientific glass. In this guide, the team at the Smoking Buddha headshop will take a forensic look at the differences between scientific glass and heady glass so that you, the cannabis consumer, can make informed choices going forward.

What is Heady Glass?

Heady glass is where pipe designers let their imaginations run wild. The only limit on heady glass design is that the finished pipe must perform the basic functions of the water pipe in that it provides large, cool, well-filtered hits. Beyond that, the sky’s the limit.

You’ll be able to recognize heady glass the minute you walk into our Parker head shop. Heady glass bongs are visually striking, typically one-of-a-kind pieces that look more like surreal glass sculptures than something you’d use to smoke herb. Besides fulfilling their role as cannabis delivery vectors, heady glass bongs also serve as objects of wonder and meditation once the herb kicks in.

Heady Glass: An Overview

Incredibly detailed designs If you prioritize aesthetics over everything else, you’re sure to love heady glass. If your best bud drops your very expensive heady glass and it shatters on the floor will he still be your best bud? Really?
Typically one-of-a-kind Heady glass devices are an excellent focal point while smoking or dabbing. Heady glass can be challenging to keep clean.
Brightly colored Most heady glass bongs are valid collector’s items. Heady glass cannot be easily modified.
More expensive than mass-produced alternatives They speak to the romantic side of the human spirit. Heady glass bongs also have an unfortunate habit of growing legs and walking out.
Your heady glass bong is likely to seriously impress your friends.

How Heady Glass Is Made

Heady glass bongs are essentially functional art pieces, prized for their aesthetic appeal and intricate designs. The production of heady glass typically involves the following steps.

  1. Design Concept — Glass artists conceptualize their designs, drawing inspiration from various sources such as nature, pop culture, or abstract ideas.
  2. Glass Blowing — Skilled glassblowers manipulate rods and tubes of borosilicate glass using a variety of techniques such as blowing, pulling, and twisting. This process requires precision and control to shape the glass into the desired form.
  3. Decoration — Once the basic shape is achieved, artists adorn the piece with intricate designs and patterns using colored glass rods or frit. These decorations can range from simple geometric shapes to elaborate figurative motifs.
  4. Annealing — To ensure durability and prevent cracking, the glass is slowly cooled in a kiln through a process called annealing. This relieves internal stresses and strengthens the finished piece.
  5. Quality Control — Each heady glass bong undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure that it meets the artist’s standards for craftsmanship and aesthetic appeal.

Heady Glass Gallery

Heady glass bong with rainbow pattern and translucent glass accents
Two multicolored heady glass bongs on wooden circular display stand
Three heady bongs in assorted colors behind row of matching heady glass pipes
Green heady glass bong with globular opal accents in assorted colors
Black translucent heady bong with lavender spikes and opal accents
Glass helix pipe with black, orange and white striped design
Three miniature heady glass pipes with glass swirl accent
Miniature multicolored bong with monster eyes and glass spike accents
Two adjacent glass pineapple-shaped bongs
Purple heady glass bong with black opal and glass swirl accents
Heady glass pipe shaped like green sea-monster head with red teeth and long white tongue
Blue patterned heady glass pipe with transparent glass spiked accents
Two zig-zag shaped heady glass pipes on wooden circular stand and adjacent multicolored pipe

What is Scientific Glass?

If you’ve ever taken an art history course you know that art is divided into two general categories: classical and romantic. Romantic art is colorful, full of emotion, and not so concerned with realistic detail. Classical art on the other hand is clean and clear, often very realistic, and gets its point across in more subtle, cerebral ways.

If heady glass is romantic (and it is) then the scientific glass is classical. Scientific glass features clean lines, a lack of ornamentation, and emphasizes function over individual expression. Scientific glass is often mass-produced and is often the first type of bong people buy.

Scientific Glass: An Overview

Very simple designs that emphasize function. More affordable than heady glass. Unless you have a cool analytical mind and appreciate things like minimalist architecture you may find the design of scientific glass bongs to be cold and uninspiring.
Typically mass-produced. They often produce larger hits than you’ll get from heady glass. Scientific glass pipes are often mass-produced so you’ve got the same pipe 1,000 other people have.
The simple design allows for the integration of percolators. Scientific glass bongs are easy to clean.
Often resemble scientific beakers, which is where they get their name from. Most scientific glass bongs are made of borosilicate glass, which is very durable.
You can modify your scientific glass bong in various ways without too much trouble.

How Scientific Glass Is Made

Scientific glassware, on the other hand, is designed with functionality and precision in mind, often used in laboratory settings for experiments and research. The manufacturing process for scientific glass differs from heady glass in several key aspects.

  1. Precision Engineering — Scientific glassware is engineered to precise specifications, with a focus on uniformity and consistency in design. This ensures accurate measurements and reliable performance in laboratory applications.
  2. Standardized Components — Unlike heady glass bongs, which often feature unique designs and decorative elements, scientific glassware typically includes standardized components such as joints, percolators, and filtration systems. These components are designed for specific functions, such as maximizing smoke filtration and cooling efficiency.
  3. Quality Assurance — Scientific glassware undergoes stringent quality assurance testing to ensure that it meets industry standards for durability, thermal resistance, and chemical inertness. This is essential for ensuring the reliability and safety of laboratory experiments.

Heady glass and scientific glass are both created using the same fundamental material — borosilicate glass — but they serve different purposes and are crafted through distinct processes, resulting in unique final products. In summary, while heady glass bongs prioritize artistic expression and intricate designs, scientific glassware emphasizes functionality, precision engineering, and reliability – whether they’re designed for a scientific laboratory or as a smoking device.

So Which Type is Better?

If we polled 100 people at our head shop in Parker, chances are the results would show people split pretty much right down the middle on which is better. The truth is people choose a bong based on a few simple criteria: Does it get the job done? Does it speak to their sensibilities? And is it within their financial wheelhouse? Those working with a limited budget will typically pick scientific glass even if they are more aesthetically in tune with heady glass. Because you gotta do what you gotta do.

Shop the Smoking Buddha Headshop for Your Next Bong

Whether you are drawn to the cool, calculating precision of scientific glass or the emotional roller coaster produced by heady glass, you will find outstanding examples of both at the Smoking Buddha. We’re here seven days a week if you want to stop in.

The dab rig is a fairly new invention. Certainly your parents or grandparents never used a dab rig (sorry, hot knives don’t count). The origins of the dab rig as we know it today can be traced to the late 1990s when bong makers started experimenting with attachments specifically designed for cannabis oils. Today, a lot of folks who stop by our smoke shop in Parker want to know if it’s possible to transform their bong into a dab rig. The answer is that it’s not only possible, it’s easier than you probably think.

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We hear about it all the time in our head shop. Regular cannabis users developing an increase in tolerance and having to consume ever larger amounts of weed in order to achieve the same psychotropic effects.

By taking time off from cannabis the accumulated THC in the person’s body is able to dissipate and the body’s cannabinoid system returns to a more sensitive state. It is not unusual for people to experience the effects of cannabis far more strongly in the wake of a tolerance break.

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In recent years the push to legalize the recreational use of marijuana has picked up considerable steam. There are now 23 states that have decriminalized recreational use of marijuana and medical use of marijuana is now allowed in 40 states. But the fact that the federal government still classifies weed as a Schedule 1 substance right alongside heroin and that recreational use is still illegal in 27 states means there’s a lot of work to do before the fight is won. In this post, the team at the Smoking Buddha smoke shop in Parker take a look at states likely to legalize cannabis in 2023 or 2024.

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Most stoners have both a glass pipe and a bong in their cupboard and if you asked them which is their favorite they’d probably have a hard time deciding. For people new to smoking weed that type of indecision is not a lot of help. They may not want to purchase both and are looking for a way to determine if glass pipes or bongs are quantifiably better. So, to help those folks decide, the team here at the Smoking Buddha vape shop have put together this brief guide on the relative pros and cons of both devices.

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